
Responsive Shopify Theme


Here are some basics on installing, configuring and customizing the EngoTheme,


The theme and the sample data is provided "as is". Customizing code and other design related issues can be done as freelance work on a $50-100$ hourly rate only with Paypal and/or Skrill, if EngoTheme's available.

If you are new to Shopify, please understand I cannot fix your site for free. EngoTheme would love to help everyone but there is no time. I suggest reading documentation available online regarding using Shopify, server requirements, etc.

If you like this theme please rate it.

Have a wonderful rest of your day!

EngoTheme Team

To install the theme, please log in to your Shopify store and go to the Online Store/Themes. From there, click on Upload a Theme and upload the .zip file from the ‘upload’ folder included with this package.


If your store is currently active and is using a different theme, you select button Publish theme what you have just upload.


Install Apps

To enable product review, please install below app:
Get App - Product Reviews

Enable Customer Registration Form

From your shop admin, go to the Settings > Checkout at the sidebar
On Customer accounts section. Check Accounts are optional and click Save.


Set up shipping rates

To enable shipping calculator, please configure your shipping rates by following below guide:

Set up shipping rates

Set up multiple currencies

HTML with currency

<span class=money>${{amount}} USD</span>

HTML without currency

<span class=money>${{amount}}</span>


Create Contact Us Page





Create new page:

Similarly contact page, we create a page and then select the template page.about-us:
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6">
<h3 class="title">OUR STORY</h3>
<div class="des">Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.<br /><br /> Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.</div>
<div class="col-md-8 col-sm-6 hidden-xs" style="text-align: left;"><img alt="" src="//cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1087/3134/files/About-Us_1024x1024.jpg?5428133912928167467" style="float: none;" /></div>

Create new page:

Create a page and put the template set page: page.wishlist:

Here, you can config gutter width, use "back to top" , use page load ...


Here, you can config font size, font family  ...

Body text content :

.product-name,.article h2,input, textarea



.main-nav > li > a,

.cart-page-link .cart-count,.ajaxcart__footer p,.rv-heading,.tab-link,.blog-date span,
.readmore,input[type=submit],table th,.block-content ul a,.swatch .header,label,.money,
.total .label,.mini-cartContent .btn-checkout,.comment-info strong


Navigation and buttons


#breadcrumbs,.CartCount,.btn-addToCart,.label-sale,.tab-viewall,.btn,#mini-cart .qty,.total .price,.actions .btn-cart,

.header-v1 .top-info a,.header-v1 select,.dropdown-label,.dropdown-toggle,.btn-select-option,.sub-menu a,

.pagination-custom a,.pagination-custom span,.author, .money, .price, .price-box, .prices, .total-price,.rv-description


Here we have 9 different sections to the location you choose and the amount of the section appear on the homepage. Access the Home page tab in customize themes to install. Each section can have different styles:




Here, get all the information and upload the pictures of the slider. We allow you to adjust the size, position, effects of components .. slider:




We have 2 different types of policy, you can choose the style policy, then complete the information fields.


Access tab "Home page - Tabs collection List" in the Customize Theme:

Access tab "Home page - Promotion Countdown 1" in the Customize Theme:




Access tab "Home page - Promotion Countdown 2" in the Customize Theme:




Access tab "Home page - Promotion Countdown 3" in the Customize Theme:







Access tab "Home page - Testimonial" in the Customize Theme:

Access tab "Collection page" in the Customize Theme:


Advanced Filtering Config product


For example:

If you would like to filter by colour and size, your products have below options: red colour, gray colour, black colour, green colour, X size, XL size, M size. Then you need to fill in theme settings all these options. For a product A which has below options: Red colour, Gray colour, X size, XL size, you need to add below tags: red, gray, x, xl for this product Note: the tags must to be same exactly

Access tab "Product detail page" in the Customize Theme:

It allows you to manage the product details page. It allows to manage everything on product details page: Product tabs, product review app, related products.

Access tab "Blog" in the Customize Theme:

Access tab "Social Sharing" in the Customize Theme:

Access tab "Checkout" in the Customize Theme:

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. We are happy to help!