Uruana - Responsive Shopify Theme

Made with love by EngoTheme


Here are some basics on installing, configuring and customizing the EngoTheme,


The theme and the sample data is provided "as is". Customizing code and other design related issues can be done as freelance work on a $50-100$ hourly rate only with Paypal and/or Skrill, if EngoTheme's available.

If you are new to Shopify, please understand I cannot fix your site for free. EngoTheme would love to help everyone but there is no time. I suggest reading documentation available online regarding using Shopify, server requirements, etc.

If you like this theme please rate it.

Have a wonderful rest of your day!

EngoTheme Team

To install the theme, please log in to your Shopify store and go to the Online Store/Themes. From there, click on Upload a Theme and upload the .zip file from the ‘upload’ folder included with this package.



Please note that the theme file is one of the following files:

If your store is currently active and is using a different theme, you select button Publish theme what you have just upload.


Install Apps

To enable product review, please install below app:
Get App - Product Reviews

Enable Customer Registration Form

From your shop admin, go to the Settings > Checkout at the sidebar
On Customer accounts section. Check Accounts are optional and click Save.


Set up shipping rates

To enable shipping calculator, please configure your shipping rates by following below guide:

Set up shipping rates


To customize the theme, go to your Themes Page in your stores Admin Panel. Next to the theme you wish to customize there are two links 'Theme Settings' and 'Theme Editor', click 'Theme Settings'.
Before we begin customizing your store, we would like to notice that this section will help you to have some collections and products added and a blog article written. So if you already had an active store and you are just updating your design, you don't need to read this part. Otherwise, here are some links to help you to setup your new store:

You will also need to create 5 pages, one for the textual content that can be placed on the ' Frontpage ' as a welcome message and another for the ' Contact Page ' which you can link to the 'page.contact' template and 'About us Page' you need to associate it with 'page.about-us' templete, 'Lookbook Page' you need to associate it with 'page.lookbook' templete, 'Page Wishlist' you need to associate it with 'page.wishlist' . Linking these pages to the correct template will be covered in their respective sections within this documentation. Here is the link which help you to create custom pages.

Create Contact Us Page


First we need to create a new page, then select the page template for it is page.contact:


Then go to Online Store then Themes > Contact Us

Google maps

Access map and right click your location to retrieve location

Then go to Online Store then Themes > Contact Us

Login to your Shopify admin panel and go to Pages, click Add a page:



Create new page:

Similarly contact page, we create a page and then select the template page.about-us:
Then go to Online Store then Themes > About Us
Here, we have 5 different sections, lets you choose may display certain sections.
Please fill out the information, images and text in the fields, then save.


Create new page:

Create a page and put the template set page: page.wishlist:


Simply, only that, you do not need anything more settings anymore!

Create new page:

Create a page and put the template set page: page.lookbook:

Config page:

Access tab in the custom theme lookbook:

Enter the information for all fields including image and text and then save it:

Access the Header in the section tab:

We have 3 different headers, you can optionally type header in the "header style '.
You must enter all the various fields in the header:

To install the footer, you must first make available the menu to display the footer:

Then we visited tab footer in custom theme to set the information field.
There are 3 types footer and you can customize them
Advanced Filtering sidebar is built on top of Tags of Shopify. To make the feature work, you need to configure options in theme setting and add tags to your products (like variant option)
To use advanced filtering as in our demo page http://uruana.myshopify.com/collections/all you need to do following steps:
Login to your Shopify admin panel and go to Themes --> Customize theme:
At Sidebar section, fill options that you'd like to show. We offer 5 options for you to show in your site: Color, Size, Price
Go to Products, click on the product that you'd like to show these options.
In Tags sections, you need to put tags that you'd like to show for this product and filled in the sidebar option.
For example: 
If you would like to filter by colour and size, your products have below options: red colour, gray colour, black colour, green colour, X size, XL size, M size. Then you need to fill in theme settings all these options. 
For a product A which has below options: Red colour, Gray colour, X size, XL size, you need to add below tags: red, gray, x, xl for this product
Note: the tags must to be same exactly


You can see sections in customize control panel.

Here, get all the information and upload the pictures of the slider. We allow you to adjust the text, color, text button..


Here, get all the information and upload the pictures of the slider. We allow you to adjust the text, color, text button..


Here, get all the information and upload the pictures of the slider. We allow you to adjust the text, color, text button..




We have 4 banner, you need complete the information fields.




We have 2 banner, you need complete the information fields.




We have 3 banner, you need complete the information fields.




blog in the Customize Theme:

blog in the Customize Theme:


product deals

Customize section:

Section product tab

Customize section:

Enter files, photos, and other information fields.

Customize section:

Enter title , User ID, and access token fields.

Customize section:

Enter title , subtitle fields, MailChimp form action URL in tab:general settings/newsletter

Customize section:

Customize section:

Customize section:

In Home page 1, we used sections bellow:

Header Style 1:



After custom home page 1:

In Home page 2, we used sections bellow:

Header Style 2:



After custom home page 2:

In Home page 3, we used sections bellow:

Header Style 3:



After custom home page 3:

Access tab Collection in the Customize Theme:

Setting number of products displayed on the site collection.


Access tab Product in the Customize Theme:

Note: The "New time" indicates the number of days the property posted as new products, here I put 30 days, this means the product is posted less than 30 days shall be considered as new products, and it will be able to label "New"



Access tab Product detail in the Customize Theme:


We create a block allows you can put your content and style to your liking:



Also you can add one custom tab also allows you to put your content in:


Enter files, photos, and other information fields.

Access tab Socials in the Customize Theme:

Here consists of two types, block and share

Entries are displayed side slidebar, and social share buttons to share the product or the articles to social networks.


Access tab Socials in the Customize Theme:

Please enter a title, and upload a background image for the header.

Then you can choose one of 3 types of blog pages

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at hello@engocreative.com. We are happy to help!